Thursday, March 17, 2011

Initial Post

Welcome to the Burlap Shack. I'll save the origin of the name for another post. It's kinda cool is you ask me. So, why blog, you ask? Well this seems like a good way for Leslie and I to get information out to friends and family.

We actually have some exciting things going on in our family. We are in the very early stages of adopting a child from Haiti. Yep, you read that correctly. I'll give you a moment to let it all sink in.

After the earthquake that hit Haiti in January 2010, Leslie and I both had a feeling that we wanted to adopt from Haiti. This was something that we felt independent of one another. About 5 weeks after the quake, we realized that we were both having these feelings. Now, when I say "feeling", what I really mean is a calling from God. Not a booming voice from a cloud calling from God, but I truly believe this is something we were both being called to do.

We agreed to take time and continue to pray about this calling and see where we were a few months after the initial emotion of the quake. But here is the funny thing about God. The message still stays strong.

After I returned from my trip (refer to another post for more on the trip) to Haiti in Sept of 2010 with St. Lukes, Leslie and I made the decision to move forward with the adoption process. That is where we begin to enter the world of international adoption.

1 comment:

  1. I must say that I'm just wonderfully excited to see your submission to the blog o' sphere. I look forward to seeing this one evolve as the years go by. :)
