Happy Birthday to you
Happy Birthday to you
Happy Birthday, Little Mister
Happy Birthday to you
Today (Aug 11th) is his birthday. He turns 5 today. We are going to have a birthday celebration tonight at dinner with cake. We sure wish he was home and could celebrate with us, but that will come soon enough.
There are no real updates on his adoption. It has been a very quiet summer. I have to admit that the patient nature I've been able to hold onto in this process is really getting tested. It seems that enough time has passed that we should have received our dispensation from the office of the Haitian President and that we could have our case move forward. The next big step for us is to travel to Haiti to meet him and start our legal steps there. It will happen soon, but this waiting is getting very challenging.
Our monthly update from the orphanage focused on the women in His life. We received photos of him with the three primary nannies that care for him.
We also learned that they are getting ready to start their summer break. Little Mister likes school so much that he is nervous for summer break and no school. Here is what they said about his anticipation for summer break.
For the past few weeks he is waiting each morning to ask if there would still be school. With the response of “yes school today” he jumps and cheers yelling to his fellow classmates that school is on.
He continues to be a joy to have in class and is working very hard. We also get reports that he loves to help out with chores around the orphanage. He seems to live his life with a tremendous amount of joy and excitement. We can't wait to meet him and get a infusion of that joy for ourselves.
Thank you all for your continued thoughts, prayers and questions about the process. Knowing that we have such a beautiful support network is quite calming.