Lots and lots has happened at the orphanage and in Haiti since the last update to the blog. The thing that is somewhat frustrating for us is that we are still in a holding pattern with our adoption. We have no new news on our process and application with Little Mister.
There still is a lot to be thankful and joyful for. We did get updated photos and those are included at the end of the post.
News at the orphanage
At the beginning of June, the orphanage took in 23 new children from a different orphanage in the region. The kids they took in were severely under nourished and in bad physical shape. The fact that Haiti feels comfortable dropping 23 kids at Little Mister's home, speaks volumes for the kind of place it is. They are well funded, have a good relationship with Haitian social services and are equipped to take in a big influx of new kids. For this we are very thankful. If you are the praying sorts, please pray for the orphanage and the kids. They need funding and patience as they work these new kids into the daily routine.
The orphanage accepts sponsorship for specific kids. They try to get 3 sponsors for each child that is not referred to a family in the adoption process. Sponsoring a child is not too expensive. If the idea of sponsoring a child at the orphanage has some interest for you, let us know and we can supply more details.
News from Haiti
On June 11th, Haiti ratified the
Hague convention on international adoption. The Hague is a set of rules and procedures designed to eliminate fraud and child trafficking in international adoptions. Both countries involved in an international adoption need to follow the Hague rules and when they do, it is good for the children and adoptive parents. Here are some of the procedures that need to be followed with the Hague. The agencies and orphanages involved must be accredited. All fees for adoption must be disclosed up front. These are all good things.
The big unknown for us and our adoption is what effect the Hague will have on us. Haiti needs to pass a new law and implement the new procedures outlined in the Hague. In addition our agency and orphanage need to get accredited. All of this needs to happen in 3-4 months at which time the US State Dept will evaluate Haiti in terms of how they are following the Hague procedures. If they feel Haiti is not following the Hague, they can shut down adoptions.
There are multiple questions and no answers at this point about how this will affect us and Little Mister. Our adoption could proceed as it has been with not changes, or it could get suspended (temporarily or permanently). Or it could be something in between. Neither us nor the orphanage nor the agency we work with have answers.
Is it frustrating having so many unknowns? At times, it is frustrating beyond words. There are other times when we reflect on this path that God has put us on and know that all of these twists and turns are part of His plan. Whatever "the end" looks like, we know that it is God's path we are following. It is much easier to type those words than to live them each day. So continued prayers for patience for us are always appreciated.
Double Dog Dare You
The update on Little Mister this month had the them of "Imagination". For their photos the kids got to pick their own dress up clothes. He picked the shoes and hat and lei. And he had a huge smile on his face as he walked in to get his photo taken.
So, as I told a few people who got a sneak peak of the photos, we
Double Dog Dare you not to smile when you see these photos.